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Free testosterone units converter

Interactive conversion between different free testosterone units
Testosterone plays an important role in the regulation of various physiological processes in men and women. In men, it is responsible for sexual function, protein synthesis, muscle growth, bone density and mood. In women, it also affects sexual function, muscle mass and strength, and overall physical and emotional well-being.

Total testosterone is the total amount of testosterone in the blood, including both protein-bound and free testosterone.

Free testosterone is the form of testosterone that is not bound to proteins in the blood and is therefore available for use by the body. It is the biologically active form of testosterone.

Free testosterone levels may increase with diseases and conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome in women, Cushing's syndrome, ovarian or testicular tumors, and when taking certain medications such as androgens.

A decrease in free testosterone levels may be associated with conditions and diseases such as hypogonadism (insufficient function of the gonads), hormonal disorders, obesity, diabetes, chronic renal failure and many other diseases.

It is important to note that free testosterone levels can vary depending on a person's age, gender, physical activity and general health. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor who will conduct additional research and give recommendations.

This converter will allow you to convert between different units of measurement of the level of free testosterone in the blood, which can be important, for example, when making an evaluative comparison of the results obtained in different laboratories.

When you enter data into any of the fields, the values of the remaining fields are calculated automatically.

a) For the Interactive Testosterone Unit Converter to work, the browser must be enabled Javascript

b) To separate the fractional part of a number, use a period or comma

c) nano... nanotechnology, nanomachines, nanomechanisms...

ng - nanogram, a unit of mass for very small quantities of a substance, 1 billionth of a common gram in everyday life, 10-9 g

pmol - picomole, a special chemical unit for measuring the amount of a substance. Contains 6.02*10^11 individual testosterone molecules.

pg - picogram, 1 trillionth of a gram, 1 thousandth of a nanogram, 10-12 g

d) dl - deciliter, 1/10th of a liter or 100 ml