In addition to the elements of the periodic table, a large number of abbreviations for organic radicals are supported:
1. The formula validator cannot cover all possible surprising cases of errors in the most complex topic of parsing chemical formulas, please be careful, part of the responsibility for the correctness of calculations lies on your side!
2. For correct calculation, enter the correct register of characters, in accordance with the periodic table
3. Indicate crystallization water or double nature of salt with * symbol
Input example: CuSO4*5H2O, ZnCl2*2KCl. Fractional amounts of molecules separated by "." are acceptable, for example CuSO4*0.5H2O
4. Currently not supported yet:
a) The multiplier before a compound formula, for example 2CuSO4*5H2O, only affects the first sub-formula; brackets 2(CuSO4*5H2O) are not currently supported
b) Ions, for example SO42-, are not yet supported; entering them will cause an error.
c) Non-stoichiometric, fractional amounts of atoms, for example Na0.1WO3 (“tungsten bronzes”)
d) Calculations for substances of variable composition with an unknown number of atoms, for example SnO(1-x), InxSnO(1-x) (“indium-tin glass ITO”)
e) Entering several formulas separated by a comma or period